Tuesday 1 November 2011

Revised Character Synopsis

The Hero, Ramfe
 Sixteen-year-old Ramfe was believed to be orphaned in Louisiana. He was found at a crossroads in New Orleans in the French Quarter, and was medium height and of physically strong build owing to his athletic pursuits. Ramfe exhibited unexplained supernatural abilities, always attuned to his surroundings, but has nevertheless lived a carefree life. Ramfe has, like other teens, attended High School. However, school life was more than just part-time; it consumed all his life. Adopted by the school’s headmaster, Samuel Edi, many years ago, Ramfe was forced by his stepfather to excel at all endeavours, and because he loved athletics he excelled at the sport. His talents on the field however, failed to ensure his popularity. He was still the headmaster’s son, and everyone despised the head. Ramfe was always at odds with his stepfather, never wanting to partake in the father’s occult activities, shunning it for sports and other activities deemed petty by his father. He believed his hair to be sacred. He did not permit Samuel to touch his hair and personally maintained his almost round mini-afro. When Ramfe was adopted he possessed few personal belongings and did not care about having other material things. His clothes did not match – comprising a long white hooded mac, schoolboy shorts and a plain T-shirt, with trainers, which he felt made him able to run faster, instead of shoes, which he found uncomfortable. The single item Ramfe could call his own was a pendant of an axe that hung on a chain clasped around his neck. The axe was enchanted and it, along with his many supernatural abilities (none so prominent than the gift of sight giving him the power to see ghosts and into the world of spirit), gave him a gateway to many adventures only few could share with him.  

Legba, Ramfe’s axe
Ramfe’s axe, Legba remained a mystery to him. He was told it was a gift bestowed to him by his real parents. Legba, although miniature in size to be able to be worn around his neck, could grow to formidable size whenever Ramfe whistled a particular tune. Once enlarged, Legba could communicate with Ramfe, able to answer any question put to him, usually at times when he had been fed. Legba had a huge appetite and loved sweat things, but what he loved most of all was to eat lost souls, and he promised to Ramfe to eat his. Legba, when wielded could discharge infinite levels of lightening. Only Ramfe could command him and the axe would shrink back to its normal size when handled by any other. 

Tucker, Sidekick
 Tucker was the sole friend of Ramfe and the two did practically everything together. Tucker and Ramfe normally would not have associated, Ramfe being very athletic and Tucker the techno nerd, who engrossed himself in books, always conducting geekish experiments. Thrown together by chance, these two social outcasts had no choice but to become friends, and that they did, learning to compliment each other’s strengths.  Tucker was a very plump schoolboy, who came from a wealthy background, and though optional, always chose to ear the school uniform, Tucker was not superstitious until he met Ramfe, who quickly converted the self-proclaimed scientist over to supernatural beliefs. Unlike Ramfe who could see ghost and other apparitions, Tucker had to resort to what he knew, science, to enable him to see what Ramfe saw. He converted his IPhone into a sort of ghost radar, which could decipher the infrared and ultraviolet light spectrums to produce an image on the screen. The audio was also adjusted to reconfigure white noise so that he could hear them also. Thus allowing Ramfe and Tucker to delve deeper into the supernatural.      

Samuel Edi-Master
Known only as, Samedi, this tall slender man with his sharp features and lifeless eyes, commands authority in his school. Samedi had another very distinctive feature, two large birthmarks on his face. The first circular mark covered his upper face and forehead, and the second squarer smaller mark around his mouth, both lightened his skin giving the impression of a skull on his face. Born, raised and taught the mysteries of voodoo in the Louisiana Bayou, Samedi was very proud of his roots and would not tolerate any break from his tradition. It was obvious that Samedi, though Ramfe’s stepfather, hated him. Nevertheless, Samedi tolerated Ramfe, wishing more than anything else to possess the axe Legba. Hypocrisy took a toll on Samedi, who was no longer able to constrain his hatred, overwhelming him and poisoning the other staff and pupils against Ramfe. His hatred permeated far into the spirit world, thus converting innocent spirits to his dark will, pitting them against that which initiated his blind lust developing into hatred for Ramfe. Fashioned in an immaculately cut black suit with a tall top hat, Samedi carries, Dambala, a walking stick through which to wield his hidden power. As the darkness overwhelms him, Samedi acquires an uncanny ability to use malevolent powers, and along with Dambala, which also can see ghosts, he poses a dire threat to benevolent beings and people.   

Dambala, Samedi’s walking stick
Dambala was the ancestral staff of power, which was handed down from one Occult master to another. The head of the staff resembled a hooded cobra with gems for eyes that could bewitch the strongest of wills. The Fire of Dambala was the essence of the staff’s power and along with its ability to control any flame, it was also able to project fire from the cobra’s open mouth. Much like Ramfe’s, Legba, Dambala could talk, but could not take any other form, and always reminded Samedi of his proud and distinguished lineage, carefully caressing his fragile pride.   

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